
Państwa z największą ilczbą emigrantów

Największy procentowy udział:
Vatican City – 100% (800; <0.1% of world total)
United Arab Emirates (UAE) – 83.7% (7.8 million; 3.4% of world total)
Qatar – 73.8% (1.6 million; 0.7% of world total)
Kuwait – 70% (2.9 million; 1.3% of world total)
Monaco – 64.2% (21,000; <0.1% of world total)
Sint Maarten – 59.7% (27,000; <0.1% of world total)
Andorra – 56.9% (42,000; <0.1% of world total)
Bahrain – 54.7% (729,000; 0.3% of world total)
Brunei – 49.3% (206,000; 0.1% of world total)
Luxembourg – 43.3% (249,000; 0.1% of world total)

Podział pod względem ilości imigrantów:
United States – 46,627,102 (14.3% of country total and 19.8% of world total)
Germany – 12,005,690 (14.9% of country total and 4.9% of world total)
Russia – 11,643,276 (7.7% of country total and 4.8% of global total)
Saudi Arabia – 9,060,433 (31.4% of country total and 3.9% of world total)
United Kingdom – 8,543,120 (11.3% of country total and 3.7% of world total)
United Arab Emirates – 7,826,981 (83.7% of country total and 3.4% of world total)
France – 7,784,418 (11.1% of county total and 3.1% of world total)
Canada – 7,284,069 (20.7% of country total and 3.1% of world total)
Australia – 6,763,663 (27.7% of county total and 2.8% of world total)
Spain – 5,852,953 (14% of country total and 2.8% of world total)

Źródło: http://moverdb.com
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